Extra curricular activities

Korein Kinderplein: childcare
  • daycare (age 0-4)
  • playgroups (age 2-3)
  • after school care (age 4-12)

Hemelrijken 310
5612 WS Eindhoven
(040) 243 04 62

Hours of operation
Monday to Friday from 07.30 – 18.30 hours.

Play walk-in

On a large number of offices in Eindhoven, we offer a free play for walk-in. One morning in the week children from 0 years come along with their parents to play and learn with other children from the district. This is accompanied by a teaching assistant of Korein kinderplein. During the play walk-in there is extra attention for language development and social skills. The play stops as children reach the age when they walk in to a toddler group. You can then choose another product of Korein kinderplein, for example toddler work or day care. Participation is absolutely free.

English lesson for preschool children & group 1/2 and 3.

We offer English lessons on Wednesday morning for children who have already received education in 
English from the country of origin. This group of children want to maintain the English language because there is a chance that they will move to another country in the future. 
In each group, structural attention is paid to the English language. In addition, on Monday and Tuesday afternoons we offer additional English lessons for groups 1/2 and 3. This is provided by two volunteer parents. Together with the teacher they playfully get to work with various activities such as memory, songs, stories. With the aim of stimulating English fluency.
English is also offered in after-school, more information can be found at After-School activities in the schoolapp.

Dutch lessons for adults provided by the Summa College

We offer Dutch lessons on Monday and Tuesday in the morning for foreign-language adults.

After school activities

School serves on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school activities. Childeren come into contact with different topics in a playful way: cooking, dance, theatre, music, sports, crafts etc.